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  • Writer's pictureMichael James

Free story and massive Hotel updates

Howdy gang,

How's everyone doing? Enjoying the summer? It's been ages since my last update and I wanted to give you all a quick update of where I am with the final book in the Hotel series.

What's this I hear about a free story?

Okay! Let's start with some free stuff. One of my short stories found a home, and I've linked it below. It's called The Water Wish and it's about what happens when we fall in love with the idea of falling in love.

Nice! So what's going on with Hotel?

First, I'm excited to share the official title and cover for the book. Book three will be called The Elevator at the Brink of Infinity. As usual, the brilliant designers at Damonza did a spectacular job at bringing my vision to life

I absolutely love how this turned out. Check out all three covers side by side. Is that gorgeous or what?

When is the third book going to be released?

The tentative date is Aug 4th

How is editing coming?

My editor sent back all the changes, which included two fairly substantial rewrites to the middle and end section of the book. She's the one that makes sure my sloppy, dull writing never makes it to you, so remember to always thank your editor. The ending includes an idea she had that is so spectacular I was quite happy to rewrite a few chapters to incorporate it.

How far along are you?

As of this morning, I have eleven chapters left to go and then I'm done.

Are you going to release the full series as an Omnibus?

You better believe it. And let me give you some sneak peaks at what I'm thinking of including as bonus material:

  • Never before seen original chapter 1 for both Hotel and Well

  • A brand new standalone Vain / Roman story from before Hotel

  • Sketches from inside the Hotel

What are you reading right now?

A few things!

Sisters Brothers by Patrick deWitt

I love going back and re-reading my favorites. I adore this book and every single page has writing that makes me stop and think about how I can be a better writer. deWitt is insanely talented.

If you love books that are wry and dark and filled with understated heartache, give this one a shot

The Every by Dave Eggers

Fucking Dave Eggers, man. That's basically my reaction every time I read one of his books. He's so annoyingly talented.

This book is a near-future glimpse of a world where apps have taken over every single element of human life and it's terrifying.

That is so wrong by Jan-Andrew Henderson

Oh right! I also sold a story to this anthology!

This is the fourth (fifth?) anthology that I've been included in and it's always a real treat to read what other writers are up to. I love the humor in this one, I've been laughing at every story.

As a bonus, this includes one of my favorite stories that I've ever written. It's about a hapless couple that finds a magic lamp and horror / hilarity follows

Okay, that's it for me gang! Stay safe over the summer and I'll talk to you all closer to launch date!

31 views3 comments


Roberta R.
Roberta R.
Jun 13, 2022

I'm so glad to hear the Elevator is on its way (also, the cover is, indeed, awesome, and I LOVE the title!). Will there be ARCs available?

Roberta R. @ Offbeat YA

Roberta R.
Roberta R.
Jun 13, 2022
Replying to

Haha, good to know!...And sorry for making you panic 😉. (BTW, of course I meant eARCs in my case). I'll stay in touch via Twitter as usual 🙂.

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