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  • Writer's pictureMichael James

Hotel Updates and a free story

Howdy everyone,

What's new, Mike?

Glad you asked, random section heading. My summer of short stories is coming to an end and it's time to turn my attention back to Hotel writing.

It was nice to take a break, not gonna lie. I've been writing Hotel stories non-stop for a year, and taking the summer to stretch my short story muscles was a welcome break.

I had a few acceptances (yay!) and many more rejections (boo!). Such is the writing life. Expect to see some updates about some acceptances in future newsletters. In fact, one of them I can share with you right now! (this is the free story part of the newsletter that I promised)

It's a piece for Bear Creek Gazette, just about one of the funniest destinations on the internet. It's about the the summer vacations you can take through the mysterious Portal that appeared on Main St. Here's the link:

So where are you with Hotel 3?

I'm writing the outline with the intent to start writing the actual book at the start of October. My writing group is doing "Novel By New Year" and about four or five of us are going to take a crack at writing a book in three months. If I pull this off, it's possible that Hotel 3 is out as early as April.

Don't get all George R Martin me, I said maybe. That's not a firm date, it's a best case scenario.

But I want to know what happens with Vain and the Gang!

And I want to make sure you're getting the best story possible. But don't worry. I'm refreshed and excited to finish the final chapter of the Hotel saga. It's been a great ride and I'm really psyched for the direction book 3 is going to go. I know exactly how the series ends, so it's just a matter of getting us there.

What are you reading now?

Oh random section heading. You always know the right questions to ask.

I'm just about at the tail end of a brilliantly insane book called Only Forward by Michael Marshall Smith. It's like Bladerunner meets Where the Wild Things Are meets Alice in Wonderland.

PS I am not very good at comps.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful September and stay tuned to this newsletter for more Hotel updates.

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